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  • Writer's pictureDevin Vaage

What Does A Patent Prosecution Attorney Do On A Daily Basis?

My colleagues in the legal community routinely ask what I do.

Patent prosecution is not something that is taught in mandatory classes in law school. It is also not a role that is well-known by the general public.

This blog post provides a glimpse into the daily life of a patent prosecution attorney.

Patent prosecution attorneys play a crucial role in safeguarding and maximizing the value of innovation. These legal professionals possess a unique skill set, combining legal expertise with technical knowledge.

Their day-to-day lives typically involve three skill sets: (1) Analyze, (2) Create, and (3) Advocate.

Collaboration with Inventors and Clients (Analyze and Create)

One of the key aspects of a patent prosecution attorney's routine is collaborating closely with inventors and clients. They meet with inventors to understand their innovations, dissect technical details, and formulate strategies for patent protection.

Clear communication and active listening skills are crucial for attorneys to grasp the essence of an invention and articulate it effectively during the patent prosecution process.

Patent Application Drafting (Create and Advocate)

Drafting patent applications is a core responsibility for patent prosecution attorneys. Armed with their technical knowledge and legal expertise, they craft detailed and precise patent applications.

These documents must accurately describe the invention, its unique aspects, and the value it brings to the industry. The attorney ensures the patent application meets the requirements set by the patent office while positioning the invention for maximum protection.

Responding to Patent Office Actions (Analyze, Create, and Advocate)

Patent applications often face rejections or objections from patent examiners. When this happens, patent prosecution attorneys meticulously analyze the examiner's concerns and strategize the best course of action.

They prepare well-reasoned responses, addressing each issue the examiner raises while advocating for their client's rights. The ability to navigate complex legal arguments and effectively communicate with patent examiners is vital for a successful patent prosecution attorney.

Prosecution Strategies and Patent Portfolio Management (Analyze and Create)

Beyond individual patent applications, patent prosecution attorneys also help clients develop comprehensive patent prosecution strategies.

They evaluate the competitive landscape, identify potential infringements, and devise strategies to protect and enforce patents. This involves managing patent portfolios, monitoring the market, and staying alert to any legal challenges or opportunities that may arise.

Continuing Education and Professional Development (Analyze)

To stay at the forefront of patent law and provide the best possible counsel, patent prosecution attorneys engage in continuous learning and professional development. They attend seminars, workshops, and conferences to expand their knowledge base and network with fellow professionals.

This ongoing education ensures they are up to date with the evolving legal landscape and equipped to handle emerging technologies. Understanding the nuances of patent law is essential to provide effective counsel to clients and navigating the complex landscape of patent prosecution.


The life of a patent prosecution attorney is a dynamic blend of legal expertise, technical acumen, and strategic thinking. From delving into patent law intricacies to drafting applications and responding to examiner actions, they navigate a complex landscape to protect their clients' innovations.

These dedicated professionals are crucial in promoting innovation and ensuring inventors receive the legal protection they deserve. As the world advances, patent prosecution attorneys will remain essential guardians of intellectual property, shaping the future of innovation.


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